
Friday, December 4, 2020

The wonder kid.


Hi guys today we are going to be looking at some work that I did all about the wonder kid which is a movie and a book,the movie and book wonder kid is a movie about a little boy that looks different to other little boys and people be mean to him by the way that he looks,and he has to start school for the first time,has to make new friends and he thinks that they think that he looks different in a bad way.Here is a photo of the little boy talking to another little boy,what they are thinking and what they are talking about.

Hope you guys like this blog post about the wonder kid and hope you guys like my blog about my year 2020,comment down below what you like about this blog post and comment down below what you think I need to improve on,see you guys next blog post bye bye.

My year 2020

Hi guys today we are going to be looking at a online book that I made all about my year 2020,there are things that happened at school and things that happened out of school or they are going to happen.The task was to make a book on (book creator) and tell what has happened in this year and you had to have more than ten things say like covid and BLM they would be two of the reasons.Here is the book so you guys can have a look at what has happened in my year 2020.Here is a link to my book that I made on book creator.

My Book

Hope you guys like this blog post. Comment down below what you like about my blogger post today and some things that I can improve in,see you guys next blog post bye bye.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Italy Google Earth

 Hello everyone and in today wonderful blog post I have done a google earth talking about a cool country named Italy. I chose this country because it is a pretty place and I would love to learn more about it! I had to use that app google drawing to talk about this country and then blog it to you all. I really enjoyed doing this and going on the google earth finding and looking around for the country I am researching and so I hope you like it, and here is my work, see ya later!!!


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Hangi transformation

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at hoe making hangi of over time has changed because of technology and why it has changed,I have made a past and present poster with Sophia D and there is importation about how to do a hangi and how they make hangi these days and how they made hangi in the olden days.Hope you guys like this blog post comment down below what you like about this blog post and comment something that I have to improve on there will be more blog's see you guys next blog post bye.

 sorry about the bad photo.

New Zealand fantastic: Culture, Traditions and Heritage

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at some New Zealand: Culture, Traditions and Heritage work that I did with Sophia D it is all about Maori Culture and things about Maori people,there is a slide for each subject there are three subjects,one Ta moko , two kakahu or korowai,three Haka. There is writing explaining how the culture has changed over time because of because of cause of technology and it talks about the past and the present.

I hope you guys like this blog post there will be even more blog posts,comment down below what you like about this blog post or comment what I have to improve on see you guys next time bye bye stay safe.

Friday, October 16, 2020

All about my Holiday.

Hi guys today I am going to be telling all about my holiday.

In the start of the holidays one of my cousins came over to stay the night,the next day me and my cousin set a tent up and went shopping at the mall and went to the movies and watched a  that was two hour's long,then we went home at 9:00 pm and watched some movies on my chrome-book till three in the morning.In the morning I went with my family for a walk in the bottle-lake forest and then we went tot the mall to get some lunch.For the rest of the first week of the holidays all we did was watch movies and go for walks in the forest.The next week me and my cousin went to the movies again and went shopping at the mall and went home and watched even more movies.

Hope you guys like this blog post see you guys next time comment down below what you like about this blog post and somethings that I need to improve on see you next time bye bye.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Sign language

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at a fun task all about sign language.

Did you know that New Zealand or NZSL is the main language that deaf people use in New Zealand. NZSL became a official language of New Zealand in April 2006.That is something all New Zealanders can feel proud of. NZSL is the language of deaf New Zealanders.Other countries have there own different sign languages just like other countries have different spoken languages.

 Did you know that the first deaf school was opened in Christchurch in 1878,But in 1880 a group of teachers in Mailn,which is in Italy decided to band the language. All deaf schools in New Zealand stopped teaching sign language.This meant that children were not allowed to use sign language at school at all,they would be punished.Even though sign language was banned ,this did not stop children from using sign language in secret; especially after leaving school.Children kept sign language alive without help any adults,for over 100 years.

 Hope you guys like this blog post comment down below what you like about this blog post or what I can improve on and comment down below some questions about New Zealand sign language that I could maybe answer for you guys.See you next blog post hope you guys have a really really really REALLY great holiday see you next time bye bye. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Crystal growing experiment

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at mine,Shelby,Leah,Jhana and Libby's Crystal growing experiment.On the slid there is a wondering,hypothesis and more.There are three Crystal growing experiment Sugar,Salt and borax there ingredients for each one and there is a poster and a slid link with some information about them.

Hope you guys like this blog comment down below some question about our Crystal growing experiment see you guys next blog post bye bye.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Dissolving experiments

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at a dissolving experiments that I did in literacy time It is all about what powdered substance can dissolve in water the fasted.Tell me in the comments what you like about my blog or tell me what I can improve on hope you like it see you guys next blog bye bye.   

Dissolving Experiemnt

Friday, September 4, 2020

Today's buddy experience

 Hi guys today I am going to be telling you guys about what I did with my buddy.

Today I read with my buddy but this time I had two but it was okay because I like my buddy's.When they came they had the same book so that was okay they read It to me at the same time and then I read a book to them.We went to the Toroa playground for a little bit I helped them on the monkey bars then we went to the Kiwi playground and played on the slid,sandpit and little monkey bars.My buddy's wanted to go to the other ones so we went to the other playground and then I played tag with them .

I hope you guys like this blog tell me in the comments what you like about this one or what I have to improve on stay safe bye bye.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Today's code

Today we are going to be looking at some coding that I did to day.sorry that I am not writing a lot but I have to go to technology but I hope you like it.I have not finished yet but this is only a little bit of the coding that I did hope you like it tell me in the comments what I can improve on or something that you like about my blogs see you next time bye bye stay safe .

sprite = codesters.Sprite("applecore")
sprite.glide_to(-200, -200)
sprite = codesters.Sprite("sodacan")
sprite.glide_to(200, -200)

sprite = codesters.Sprite("fish")
sprite.say("Click on me!")

def click():
    sprite.say("Don't litter!")
    sprite.say("Save the oceans by saving me!")

sprite = codesters.Sprite("butterfly")

Hope you like this one see you next time bye stay safe.

Friday, August 28, 2020

What I learnt about yellow stone park

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at somethings that I learnt about yellow stone park.

I learnt that wolves went extinct a long time ago but then they went back to yellow stone and that was a good thing for the plants and most of the animals because when they came back a lot of thing changed rodents like rabbets,mouse,birds and more because when the wolves were still extinct all of the elk and deer were eating all of the forestry so all of the rodents and birds could not build there homes and eat.

Hope you like what I learnt see you guys next blog post bye bye

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Today's fun scientific experiment.

Hello my people today we are going to be looking at a poster all about how I did a experiment it will tell you all about it and it is very very blue.It has a lot of words and formation. sorry that I did not put a lot of information about it but next time I will.see you next time bye bye. :)

Monday, July 27, 2020

Tic Tac Toe.

Hi guy's today we are going to be looking at a tic tac toe task that I did with Sophia D and Tayla.

Our task today was we were given a choice out of six tasks that we got to do and we had to pick three to complete. We were allowed to complete them in groups but if it were to be with others it would have to be much more better than it would if I did it alone.

I chose to do a task with my friends and we did a task that contains QR codes that we had to use that had the answers to the questions we were given!

I enjoyed doing this and having my friends do it with me, I hope you like it and have a nice day, BYE!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Today's fun Maths problem

Hello people today you and me are going to be looking a some fun Maths that I did today with Sophia D and Emmelia M.Today we are going to be looking at a slide that we made the slide is all about Input and Output If you do not know what Input and out put is I can tell you.Input and Output is Maths when you have numbers say 2,4 and 6 and then you have a problem say +8x2 then you see what the ansers are that is Input and Output.

Hope you guy like my blog post that I have done tell me what you like about this and what I can improve on thank you for watching bye bye see you soon.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Fractured Fairy Tale!!!

Once upon a time there lived a little boy his name was Jack he had bright blue eyes and brown hear.He lived with his mother on a little farm in the middle of a forest they only had one cow and two chickens they were very poor.One day Jack’s mother said to him”Jack you need go and sale the cow to a wealthy man who will give good money for that old thing.Jack was not happy”But she is a good cow she gives us milk.”No” said mother “And don’t tell him that she is old.”OK” said Jack.

Off he went with the cow to sell the old cow to a wealthy man at the market.When he found a wealthy man the man said to him.”I will give you some magic beans for that cow” “magic” Jack said “yes”. “OK” Jack said Jack ran back home to his mother as fast as he could and when he got home his mother was sleepy from working so hard.

The next day when Jack and his mother were a wake he said to his mother “look mother look what I got from that wealthy man” “what” said his mother.”magic beans” he said.”magic” “magic” “you stuped little boy I said money money” “not beans there Know such thing as magic”.Jack dropped the bean’s and ran into the forest well he ran the beans fell down the middle of the flor boards.

He went back to the farm where he lived and said sorry to his mother and then went to bed.In the morning he was soaked because the roof had holes in it.He went down stairs his gaw almost hit the bottom of the floor because he saw a big not big humongous elevator his mother's gaw was on the floor.Jack’s mother was Not happy because it went through the roof.

He was Cyrus so he went outside to see that the elevator went up into the cloud’s so he went back up to his room to get some clothes on and then went into the elevator he went all the way up to the cloud's.suddenly the doors opened he thought that he was dreaming it was a calsall he was so happy so happy that he started dancing and crying he ran out to find the biggest door that he had seen in his inter life he opened the door and in there was a goose.

Around the goose there was five gold eggs the size of his head but beside the sleeping goose was a little grumpy man did not like to share his big gold eggs or his goose.Jack took a little step toward the goose but he stood on a twig “snap” “ha what” said the little man “hay what are you doing here””oh no” Jack said “ fe fi fo fum I want gum”.Jack ran back to the elevator pust the buten and then ran back into the house and hugged his mother and said “ mother there was this really really scary little man”.With a goose that had big gold eggs “go get them” said mother.

Jack went back to the elevator and then went to see if the little man was still awake “what are you still doing up here” “I what one of your gold eggs pleas” Jack said in deep voice first you have to give me some gum “why” Jack said “Or i will not give you one of my gold eggs” “OK” “i will go and get you some gum but you have to give me one of them gold eggs now or no gum.

Jack went back down to the house to get his money for the gum he went to the candy store and got the gum  he ran back to his house and went to the elevator then he gave the little man the gum.Know when they want a gold egg all they do is give him some gum why gum you might say did you know that THE END.

Fun Matariki slide

Hi guys today we are going to be looking at  a Matariki slid that I did for the kids in tui we made it for them so they know what matariki is and why moari people celebrate.It helps Young and older people to understand it more there is some writing about it and there is a animation and a video.Some people know what it is and some don't know what it is so I put the video so if they did not get the writing.

Hope you like my blog post this week I will see you guys soon 
If you do like it comment down below and comment down
below what I can improve on see you next time Bye bye guys'

Friday, June 19, 2020

Todays fun day.

Hello people again today I am going to be telling you what I have been doing today.Today we have been doing a lot of things but the best one that I have done so far is doing my blog posts for you but today i have been trying to finish my Matariki slide for the kids in tui and that is it.but we are going to be watching a movie the people who have there two blog posts for this week.I will put my Matariki slide on my blog keep in mind that this is for little kids so they can learn about Matariki but this is just what I have so far so I'm not done see you next time bye bye.

Today's fun Maths post

Hello people today we are going to be looking at some work that I did that I did for maths.I made a robot out of shaps but only shaps with straght lines so we could measure them with a protractor this is a photo hope you like It but I have to go and watch frozen Bye bye see soon.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Today's fun blog about koru's

Hello people today you guy's are going to be looking at what I have done today it was very hard I hope you like it sorry there is no description today description today I have to go pack up bye bye.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Today's fun irony photos.

Hello people today we are going to be looking at what me and Sophia D did in this afternoon.This afternoon we had to take some photos and make a comic with them our one was about a old man how fell down and then started to break dance I took the photos and Sophia D and Jack J were in the photos.

comment down below what you like about this post and maybe make your own one and maybe comment down below what I can improve on my post's bye bye see you next time.

Today's fun castle making.

Hey, Hi, Hello, and today we are going to be looking at my fun castle that I made for literacy it was so fun we made the castle for a story the story was the tree little pig's! My task today was to write five sentences for the background, raising action, climax, falling action, and the resolution in the story! I then had to design a castle on a google draw based on the story "The Three Little Pigs". I had a lot of fun doing this and I am proud of my accomplishment. So I hope you like it and I will see you next time, BYEEE!!!!

Today's fun Maths

Kia ora bloggers,

For numeracy today, we have started to learn about angles.  

We learnt about 3 different angles today - acute (less than 90°), right angle (90°), and obtuse (larger than 90° but smaller than 180°).  We also learnt how to use a protractor to measure angles.  We know that we need to measure an angle from a vertice (a corner where two straight lines meet).

For our create task, we had to measure three different angles on the first letter of our name - can you  figure out if they are acute, right angle or obtuse?

Friday, May 29, 2020

Today's fun koru art

Hay Hi Hello guy's happy Friday hope you guy's are having a really really good Friday. What are you doing?Today task we are doing some fun koru art we made some pitcher's with some koru's on it and then we coloured them in with coloured pastel crayons and then died the back round black.Then we started to make some koru designs and this is my one

hope you guy like it and if you do comment what you like about it or comment what I have to improve about my blogs see you next time stay safe and wash your hand's see you later guy's bye bye.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Lonely Man

Kia ora bloggers,
This week for literacy we have been learning about inferencing and show not tell.  When we read something, we automatically start making inferences, so it is important when we write that we give clues in our writing that allow people to make inferences.  We want to show them - not tell them.
For example:  Paul was frustrated when he got to the bus stop and realised he had just missed the bus.  But instead I could write “Running as fast as he could, Paul turned the corner only to see the back of the bus as it pulled away.  Throwing his bag down on the ground and sighing out loud, Paul realised that he had no choice, but to sit and wait for the next bus to arrive - 20 minutes from now”  You can infer from me saying ‘throwing his bag down and sighing out loud’ that he is frustrated.
Our task was to create a video that accompanied a piece of writing about an elderly man.  We used Adobe Spark to do this.  

Have a look at my video and see if you can you make some inferences about what I have written.
Do you think the elderly man is happy?

Today's fun birthday task.

Hi Bloggers,For numeracy this week, we have been learning about grid references and we have been working on 4 and 6 digit grid references.We learnt that we read across the bottom of the grid first (Eastlings) and then up the side second (Northlings). Our task today was to look at an aerial map of our school, write down the 6 digit grid references for the letters that our teacher had put on it, and then go in hunt of those points. At each point there was 1 or 2 letters. Once we had them all, we had to come back into the hub and unscramble the letters to figure out what it spelt. The secret sentence was ‘Happy Birthday Zoe’.I really enjoyed the task. Have you ever had to use grid references before in real life? What was it for? This is our photos that we took when we were looking for the clue's.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Twits???

Kia ora Bloggers,

This week we have been looking carefully at making inferences when we read or watch something. 

An inference is when we take clues from a text or image, and
add them to our thoughts or prior knowledge and make an inference. 
For example,  when I look at this photo, I might make the inference that
this photo was taken in a food factory as everyone is wearing hair
nets and this is required in all food factories.
What’s going on in this picture? Look closely at the image above or view it in a <a href="">larger size</a>, then tell us what you see by posting a comment. On Thursday afternoon, we will reveal more about the image and its origins at the bottom of this post.

The text that we read a snippet out of ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl.
Once we had read the first few chapters where they described the main characters, Mr and Mrs Twit, we then had to make some inferences based on the clues that Roald Dahl had given in the text.

I used Google Draw to create a display of my inferences I have made about Mr and Mrs Twit. 

Have you read The Twits before?  Do you agree with my inferences? What inferences would you make about the characters?

See you next time!

BEE BOT Maths.

Kia ora Bloggers, 

For Numeracy this week we have been looking at compass directions.  We have worked on reading maps using the 8 main directions - North, South, East, West, North-East, South-East, North-West and South-West and then we moved onto using Bee bots and our knowledge of compass directions to get a Bee bot through the grid to various locations.

We had to programme the Bee bot with our own algorithm, using forwards, backwards, turn right, turn left and N, S, E, W.  It was important that we regularly tested our algorithm to check we didn’t need to de-bug (find a problem and fix it).

Here is an example of my algorithm:

Have you ever written an algorithm for something?  Have you ever had to use a compass for something?

In quarantine Math

Hay Hi Hello today we are going to be looking at my Maths that I did in quarantine for week five.For maths we had to look at some blocks they were all different and you had to count how many there was it was easy at first but then it got hard not to hard that I could not do it but it was hard.I did not know that there was some hiding so I had to find them but then I got them all done hope you guy's like it comment down below what you like about my blogs and comment what I have to fix up hope you like my post this time stay safe bye bye.

                                                          stay safe.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Today I have

Hi guys today we are going to be looking at what I have done today It is just a rough design of a memorial cenotaph I have measured measured it and I have done the parameter of it to hope you like it.


Hope you guys like this post see you guys next time stay home and stay safe as always bye bye guys

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My beautiful work that I have been doing today.

Hi guy's today we are going to be looking at my maths that I have been doing It is measuring.Today I have made a metal on paper and It has the date of when the soldiers went to Gallipoli and the word Anzac hope you like it.
The perimeter is
summary perimeter=

hope you like It and If you do comment down below 
what you like about it and what I can improve on hope you like it 
see you next time bye bye guy's stay home and stay safe.

Monday, April 20, 2020

What have I been doing today

Hay Hi Hello today we are going to be looking at what I have done for my numeracy today it was measuring the perimeter of three thing around the house I went out side of the box and did some thing that are not usually used for measuring a perimeter hope you like It.

Hope you guy's like It and if you do comment down below and try to help
                                         me out and comment what I need to improve on and tell me what you like                                               about my blog's see you next time guy's stay home and stay safe.

Friday, April 17, 2020

My intriguing intriguing math

hay there people today we are going to be looking at what I have done for my maths today hope you like the pitcher that I have measured and if you do like it comment down below :) :) :) :).

2.m safe distance
summary you need 5.71 painting's for safe distance.

Hope you like this post guys and if you do comment down below what you like about it and what I need to progress in bye bye guys see you next time stay home and stay safe.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My lovely ruling

Hay the my people today we are going to be looking at what I have been doing for my numeracy today It was fun to do it and I hope you like it and if you do comment down below what I need to improve in my blogs and comment what you like about them.

Toy Squishy
2.m safe distance /
summary 2.m safe distance / squishy=20 squishy safe distance.
Hope you liked this blog see you next time guys bye bye stay safe.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My Interesting numberacy

 200 /30 =6.66

Hay there people to day we are going to be looking at my numberacy that I have done I have measured my cousin and I have measured my pink clock for safe distancing.

The clock = 30 cm
Safe distance = 200 cm
6.66 clock's is a safe distance

My cousin = 90 cm
safe distance = 200 cm
200/90 = 2.22
2.22 of my cousin is a safe distance.

Hope you like it and if you do comment down below and tell me what you liked about it bye bye see you next time stay home and stay safe.

Monday, April 13, 2020

What have you been doing.

What have you been doing at home for Quarantine I have Been doing a lot of thing if you want to know look at my other blog below this one.I have been spending more time with my family we have been watching movie's and going on big walks with them.What have you been doing have you been playing out side going for walks watching movie's. Or have you been just hanging around your house..comment down below What you have been doing at home Bye bye see you next time stay safe.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What I have bean doing at home.

Hay there people today I have done this blog for you.It is a update of what I have been doing at home because of the Corona virus.

Because of the Corona virus people in New Zealand including me have to stay at home so we do not spread it,I have been doing a lot of thing's like playing out side with my family and playing bored games baking and art and watching movies with my family. If you like this blog post comment down below what you are doing at home see ya next time people bye bye.

Monday, March 16, 2020

My beautiful graphs

Hay there people today we are going to be looking at my graphs that I made with Sophia D and Tayla B hope you like it and if you do comment down below and help me with thins that I need to improve on in my blog post's hope you like it again see you next time bye bye people. 

What they saw in the window.

Hay there people today we are going to be looking at my animation slide that I made of what I think what they saw out of the window hope you like it and if you do comment down below what I could improve on or what you like on it hope you like it see you next time bye bye.

Friday, March 6, 2020

My birds eye view

Hay Hi Hello people today we are going to be looking at my birds eye view of what I think it look's like hope you like it and if you do comment down below thank you for looking at my blog post se you next time in the afternoon or in the morning  bye bye. :) :) :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My wonderful binary



Hi Today We are doing binary and we made pictures and then coded them black was 1 and white was 0. Can you please try my picture. Have you ever made one before?

Monday, March 2, 2020

This is just to say.

kia ora people today we are going to be looking at some writing that I have done today my class have joined up with Get NZ writing so we did a poem so if you like it comment down below and see you next time in the morning or the afternoon see you later people bye bye.

Friday, February 28, 2020

My family tree

hello people to day we are going to be looking at my family tree on my family tree it has people that are in my family and how to pronounce them in Maori hope you like it and if you do like it make shore to comment down below bye bye see you next time.

My lovely Samoa alphabet

Hello people to day me and you are going to be looking at my Samoa animation alphabet  that I have made with Tayla B we have done it for fun and it was fun to do it we have all the letters in the Samoan alphabet it took a long time to do this if you like it comment down below hope you liked it see you next time in the morning or in the afternoon see you next time bye bye people.

My beautiful pitcher

Hello people to day we are going to be looking at my poster that I have made with Sophia D for the SPCA hope you like mine and Sophia D poster thank you for looking at my post today,morning or afternoon but if you like it make shore to comment down below see you next time bye bye. :) :) :) :)

Friday, February 21, 2020

my mode

Hay HI Hello people to day we are going to be looking at a slide explaining how to find out how to do mode hope you like it and if you do make shore to comment down below and enjoy bye bye people. :)

10 steps to a good conversation

hello people today you are going to be looking at slide made by me Tayla B and Olivia F this is about the way to help you have a good conversation hope you like it comment down below if you like it thank you see you next time. :)

Friday, February 14, 2020

my beautiful portrait

Hello people how is your day or night going so far good OK so to day we are going to be looking at my beautiful portrait.
                                                               so here it is :

I know it is not the best  but I did try my portrait is me and all the thing's that I love the thing that I love is. Pizza of course like why would I not like it I like art,turtle's,watermelon's,chocolate so good and finally my family and behind me there are the colours.because it made it look more colourful. :)