
Friday, September 24, 2021

My Water cycle.

 Hi guys, today I will be showing you my Water Cycle that I have made in canva.

On my canvas, it shows you the water cycle with all of the names and what those things are if you don't know what the water cycle is. It is what happens to the water when it rains, where it goes when it rains or how it rains, snows, etc. It explains what it is and how it works.

What did you learn about the water cycle on my canvas?

Friday, September 17, 2021

My Ocean Kupu.

Kia Ora guys, this week for Te Reo Maori week, Sophia D and I have made an Ocean Kupu.

Our Ocean Kupu shows different things that are in the Ocean, what they are in Maori and in English. There are sea animals, shells, and more. They are all different animals and Sophia and I tried to make the animals look a bit funny so they do look a bit silly too.

Hope you like my blog post for today and I will see you next blog post-bye bye.

Ocean Kupu.

What Maori word did you learn from this?

Saturday, September 4, 2021

My way to bedmas.

Hi guys, today w are going to be looking at a cool biteable that I made all about bedmas.

The task that was set for me was to make a fun video on any app I wanted, but the twist was that it had to be all about how to learn bedmas and make it funny. If it was funny and my math teacher laugh when she saw it the winner would get a prize which was candy.

So with that, this is my biteable.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

MR and MRS Twit.

 Hi guys, today I will be showing you my slide animation that I have made all about a story that I have been reading with the rest of my class on literacy. The story that we have been reading about is MR and MRS Twit a story about two old people and how they live. On my animation, it shows you a part of the book where she floats up into the sky and fixes her problem.

The slide.


Friday, August 27, 2021

My cool math.

 Hi guys, today I will b showing you what we have been doing in math, well we are in quarantine. 

What we have been learning about is a bit of substitution and how it works. What we have is, we learnt all about what it is and how to do it and then we had to figure out fifteen answers for the questions we have been given. With that we also had to show how we worked it out, in a book or on the slide, we just had to show how we did it.

This is my slid and a picture of how I did it and my answers.

Do you know how to do substitution?

Friday, August 20, 2021

Our livestock.

 Hi guys, today I will be showing you what I have been doing today for my inquiry.

Today I have made a canva that tells you all about how livestock is affecting our waterways. On my canva it tells you how it is affecting the waterways but also how it does not only affect humans but also other species as well.

Here is my canva. What did you learn about in this canva?

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

My cool canva.

 Hi guys, today we will be looking at a cool canva slide that I made all about microplastics with my friend Lyla.

We made the canvas all about Microplastic and how it not only affects sea life but also humans also. On our slide, it tells you how Microplastic is made, how it affects us and it also tells you five facts about Microplastic as well.

Hope you like my blog for today, tell me what you think I could improve on and what you like about it.

My link to canva.


What did you learn about Microplastic? 

Friday, August 6, 2021

My cool Minecraft catchment.

Hi guys, today we will be looking at a cool Minecraft world that we made all about a catchment area.

We made a world and we had to make a town or city and it had to have one or more catchment areas.

If you don't know what a catchment area is, it is a place or thing where water can come from say a school or house is a catchment area, because water can come from that area.

In my Minecraft world is by the mountains and it is a little town that has a school and little houses too.

Here is a photo. What do you like about my world?

Monday, July 5, 2021

My Awesome Sumatran tiger information report.

Sumatran tigers.


Hi guys, today we will be looking at a cool information report all about Sumatran tigers.

This term we have been learning all about endangered animals. To start off we went to Orana park to find out more information about our animals and more. What I learned about all of the animals is that they are all different, they are big they are small and they can eat meat, greens, or they can eat both. All of these animals are different they are not all the same.

I wanted to do the Sumatran tiger because I really liked the way they look, their lifestyle as well.

What did you learn about Sumatran tigers?

Here is my information report. Sumatran tigers.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Fun kiwi video.

 Hi, guys today we will be looking at a cool slide video that I made all about kiwis.

My video tells and shows you how many kiwis there are left, where they are found like New Zealand, what their predators are, why they have so many predators, and ways you can help the kiwis.

Hope that you like my blog for today, there might be more this might just be for today, hope you like my blog again and I hope you like my video as well.

My Vid.

Kiwis slide.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Cool experiment.

 Hi, guys today we are going to be looking at a cool experiment about our nerves.

What we did was that we had to get into a pear and we had a kit with the thing that would help us with what we were doing. On the test, you had to touch your partner with a tool three times and you had to put the answers down on paper and every time you did you had to open the tool wider and wider so it would get easier and easier or harder.

Hope you like it but I don't have a photo so the best place was my cheeks and the palm of my hand.

Hope you like my blog for today I will see you next time bye. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

My cool maths.

 Hi, guys today we are going to be looking at a cool math task that we had to do.

What we had to do was we had to make a slide or something like that all about Perimeter, Area, and Volume. On my canvas slide, it shows you how to do your Perimeter, Area, and Volume, It all so shows you an example of them if you don't know what it means.

Hope you like it here is my canva.

Perimeter, Area, Volume. 

Hope you like my blog and I think that there might be some more but for now this is what I am doing bye.

Friday, May 21, 2021

My cool egg experime

 Hi, guys today we are going to be looking at a cool egg experiment that we did on tech day.

Our task for the rest of the day was to get into a group of 5 and then have things like paper, string, and tape.

We had to make something that would keep the egg safe from cracking when the teacher drops it off the stairs. We didn't do it but I think that we did well for the challenge.  
sorry I didn't have any photos.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

My cool Minecraft Chimpanzee sancuary.

 Hi, guys today we are going to be looking at a cool Minecraft that I made all about chimpanzees.

What I did was made a Minecraft that shows your my chimpanzee sanctuary, what it has is a big forest spot and there is a cage in the middle of it for the chimpanzees that have just come in, and then when they can go out they can come free on the island with all of the rest of them. It all so has things like a rock to help them open up nuts and things like that, I have put little waterfalls all around the island so they can swim or drink the water too, I put a lot of trees in there as you can see that they feel like they are in a real forest and they all so can Rome free like they are in the forest.

I all so got all of my information from epic and TVNZ, Endangered chimpanzees, and Chimpanzees.

Hope you like my blog post and I hope to see you guy's next blog post, If you want to could help me by saying what I need to improve on or what you liked about my blog post in the comments.

Here is a photo of my Minecraft Chimpanzee Sanctuary. What do you see or like in my Sanctuary?

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Orange King of the Trees

 Hi, guys today we are going to be looking at a cool infographic that I made on canvas.

The infographic that I made is all about orangutans and everything about them, My canvas shows you things like how they are living and why they are getting hunted by people.

Hope you guy's like my blog post today. What did you learn about orangutans?

Thursday, April 15, 2021

My awesome letter home.

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at a cool side that I made all about my letter home as if I was a solider in the Anzac cove would war one. On my slide about the war it tell's you all about the life at Anzac cove,what is happening,what I miss at home and more things like that.

Hope you guys like my Anzac cove slide,also on the slide it has a cool speaker button and if you tap on it,it will start playing and it is me saying my letter.

Hope you guys like it again,I hope to see you guys in my next blog post,there will be more on Friday see you then bye bye.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

My cool Anzac Canva

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at a cool and fun canva that I made all about the Anzac cove WW1.

On the canva that I have made it shows you somethings about them like how they slept,what they eat,Dates and Times,How many deaths and more things like that.There are also some writing about animals in there two.I hope you like my Canvas that I made and tell me what you like about them and you can tell me what I can improve on next time see you next time bye. 



Friday, March 26, 2021

My cool Moari scratch.

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at a cool starch that I made all about how to say  what is the weather in Maori and how to answer in Maori.If you don't know what it is saying it is saying "what is the weather " and then the other person says that it is MAKARIRI which means that is cold.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

My amazing Isabel storyboard.

 For literacy we have been reading Refugee by Alan Gratz.   We looked at the main character, and picked 3 words to describe them.  I picked Isabel.

For our create task, we had to use Storyboard that, and pick one of our describing words to storyboard.  We needed to think about what happened just before that scene, and just after and how we could show emotion in our characters face.

I decided to show when she had just come back to the house and when she walked in she could see that he mum,dad and grandfather were fighting,about her father leaving Cuba and then she started to cry about what was happening . I showed this through how she walked in she looked at them because she didn't know what was happening and she could see them shouting and fighting about it.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Anzac Cove landing by the ANZACS

In literacy at the moment we are learning about WW1 and in particular, the role the ANZACS played in it.

We know that the ANZACS landed at ANZAC cove on April 25th, 1915.  They arrived by boat, and were greeted by a beach that was in chaos, steep, rugged cliffs and the Turks firing at them from the top of the cliffs.

Many men lost their lives that day, many never made it to the beach.  The ones that did were about to start a long journey filled with tears, despair and sadness.

This animation is to show the landing at ANZAC Cove.

Do you know much about the ANZACS or their landing?

Sorry if it is not good because i have not finished it but this is what i have gotten done so far.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

My cool Minecraft camp.

Minecraft Education Refugee Camp

Over the past three weeks in literacy, we have been reading about refugees and looking at what refugee camps look like.  

Do you know that there are millions of refugees currently living in refugee camps all over the world.  These people have had to flee their home countries due to war, unrest, famine, riots, terrorist attacks and more.  Some have been living in these camps for years, with no sign of leaving.

The conditions are terrible.  There are lots of disease, crowded living areas, they are hot in summer and freezing in winter.

Our task was to recreate a refugee camp in Minecraft education, incorporating all the things we had learnt about them.

Have you ever read or watched anything about refugees before?  

Friday, February 26, 2021

The amazing journey to New Zealand.

 Hi guy's today we are going to be looking at a canvas that I made all about Te Tiriti o waitangi,Te Tiriti o waitangi is a very very special thing in New Zealand because it was the way that the English and maori people came together and made New Zealand.

My canvas has thing's all about what happen on the boat and what happen when they got to New Zealand,from the English people and the moari people. 

Tamoko tradition

 Hi guy's today we are going to be looking at a canva that I made all about tamoko,if you don't know what tamoko is,tamoko is a cultural maori tattoo that could be tattooed any were over your body.On my poster it tell's you all about why it was band and more things about how tamoko is coming back.

Tell me what you know about tamoko or tell me what you think tamoko is.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Hi guy's today we are going to look at a canva that I made all about K.O.S.,if you don't know what K.O.S. is,it mean keep your self safe or keep our self's safe.

It has thing's to do if someone is trying to break into your house or if it happens what to do in that situation,it has two way and it all so has consequences of what would hap[pen if you got Sean by the person,I hope you guy's like my blog post today,I will see you guy's next blog post bye bye

Tell me what you would do if someone was trying to break into your house.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

My camp experience

Hi guy's today we are going to be looking at a Biteable that I made all about my experience at the camp that I went to this year.

The Biteable has what I did and did not like about camp,it all so thing's that i liked that were not activity's as well.I hope you like my blog post today,tell me what you liked about it and tell me what me blog's need,see you next blog post bye bye.

My head-turning video on Biteable.

Interesting thing's about me.

 Hi guy’s today we're going to be looking at a canvas slide that I made all about me,

It is a canvas slide that tell’s you thing all about me like what my favourite food is and what my  favourite animal is,all so I have put on a drawing that I did,it is a Lego person that look’s like me.I hope you guy’s like my blog post,the slide is a bit short but it has some thing’s about me,tell me what you like about this blog post and tell me what I could improve on next time.

Tell me what you learnt about me or tell me something about you,see you next blog post bye bye.

Hi my name is valley. by Valley-Rose Ranginui

My pepeha video

 Hi guys today we are going to be looking at a adobespark that I made all about my pepeha,if you don't know what a pepeha is it ia a moari way to say your river,mountain,where your ancestors are from and the names of your mother and father.

I hope you guys like my pepeha and my blog post,there are going to be a lot more blog posts later today,I hope you like the other blog post's that are coming,but tell me what you like about my pepeha and what I need to improve on next time bye bye.

Tell me what your pepeha is?